A Heartfelt Thank You to the Talented Composers of Project Butterfly Selection Call

In the world of music, collaboration and creative endeavours often lead to remarkable outcomes. The recent Project Butterfly Selection Call brought together a diverse group of talented composers, and although not everyone could be accepted, the dedication and creativity displayed by all participants are truly commendable.
We express our sincere gratitude to each composer who took part in this exciting venture.
  • Alberto Cara
  • Andrea Marras
  • Ardo Ran Varres
  • Beniamin Baczewski
  • Claudio Ferrara
  • Daniele Bisi
  • Darvishi Aftab
  • Dimitrije Beljanski
  • Edoardo Casali
  • Ela Orleans
  • Emanuele D’Onofrio
  • Estera Wityńska 
  • Fiorenzani Francesco
  • Filip Matuszewski
  • Francesca Badalini
  • Francesco Sbraccia
  • Franco De Biase
  • Gay Claudio
  • George Dousis
  • Giovanna Albani
  • Giovanni D’Aquila
  • Girolamo Deraco
  • Giuseppe Guerrera
  • Ignacio Ferrando
  • Igor Andric
  • Jakub Polaczyk 
  • Janjgava Nino
  • Krzysztof Dobosiewicz
  • Lenaro Mario
  • Marco Attura
  • Marco Emanuele
  • Maria Vincenza Cabizza
  • Massimo Buffetti 
  • Miika Hyytiäinen
  • Nikodem Kluczyński
  • Paavo Korpijaakko
  • Paola Magnanini
  • Riccardo Vescovo
  • Rizzella Antonello
  • Salim Alvarez Daahoud Abdul
  • Simone Maccaglia
  • Sophia Chambon
  • Stefano Proietti
  • Steinberg Fainblit Maia
  • Szymon Brzoska
  • Tiziano Albanese
  • Tymon Zgorzelski
  • Uljas Pulkkis
  • Zuzanna Koziej

To each composer who dedicated time, effort, and creative energy to the Project Butterfly Selection Call, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your participation has enriched the project and demonstrated the vast array of musical talent present in our community. It may have been challenging, but your commitment to musical excellence has not gone unnoticed. The diversity of styles, backgrounds, and influences brought to the table has undoubtedly contributed to the project’s overall richness. 

The selection process was handled by three artistic committees: Teatro Comunale di Modena (the artistic director Aldo Sisillo and the musical expert Gianluigi Mattietti); Opera Baltycka (the artistic director Romuald Wicza-Pokojski and the musical expert Sylwia Kobylińska-Janiak,); Opera Box tuella (the artistic director Ville Saukkonen and the musical expert Sebastian Fagerlund).  We extend our sincere gratitude for their thoughtful consideration and commitment to the project. From all composers the committee pointed as finalists Attura Marco and Deraco Girolamo (from Italy); Korpijaakko Paavo and  Pulkkis Uljas (from Finland); Baczewski Beniamin and Zgorzelski Tymon (from Poland).

Even though not everyone could be accommodated  the collaborative spirit and the shared passion for music have left a lasting impact. As we move forward, we encourage all composers, whether accepted into the project or not, to continue pursuing their musical aspirations. The journey of a composer is one of continuous growth, and the skills and experiences gained during this selection process will undoubtedly shape future endeavours.

Again, a resounding thank you to each composer who participated in the Project Butterfly Selection Call. Your dedication to the craft of composition has inspired and elevated the musical community. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the continued success and creativity of each of you in your musical journeys.

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