Co-creation journey: How AI brings the students' stories to life

The Butterfly journey to co-create a sustainable Opera saw the participation of three European high schools in Modena, Gdańsk e Helsinki, whose students seized the opportunity to work closely with experienced librettists, environmental organisations and representatives from climate youth associations. With the support of their teachers, they managed to bring their creative thoughts about sustainability to life and express them through impactful narratives.

On a total of nine proposals, Project Butterfly selected three stories (one for each school). Each selected story is going to represent the storyline of an act of the new sustainable Opera, and all stories are going to be collected in a digital book and made available on the Butterfly website.

Project Butterfly wishes to acknowledge the students’ talent and their inspirational ideas by giving prominence to all the submitted stories, including those which did not make it to the stage. To this end, our multimedia agency partner Heimspiel has followed each step of the co-creation process and contributed to translating the students’ sustainability vision into compelling animated videos, through the use of AI-generated images and 3D applications.

Watch the videos produced by Heimspiel to discover all the non-selected stories!

Heimspiel's videos based on the non-selected stories

6 Videos